Rollups ($50B TVL) currently lack additional revenue from blockspace due to centralized sequencing and fragmented liquidity.
Projected Growth (Appendix):
Bundling Ethereum and rollup blocks will increase blockspace revenue to ($x)
By 2028, blockspace revenue is projected to reach ($y)
Key Market Trends
Shift towards decentralized, shared, and based sequencing is changing block sequencing in rollups.
Intent, composability, and unification reflect a strong commitment to integrating the Ethereum ecosystem without further fragmentation.
The practice of selling blockspace will rise with the adoption of PBS and based preconfirmation.
Competitive Landscape: Early-stage rollup blockspace marketplace with no market share
Finality Gadget: an additional insurance products for traded blockspace. The insurance products are designed to offer protection in the event of an Ethereum reorg, but such risks rarely occur.
Sustainable Revenue: protection for buyers from asset extraction attack such as front-running and sandwiching, making the blockspace more secure and attractive to buyers.
Coordination Layer: a management system to ensure transaction stability for traded goods in the market. This system supports seamless transaction processing and efficiently manages and records blockspace transaction-related data.
Radius is building a marketplace for trading and optimizing Ethereum and Rollup blockspace
Blockspace Marketplace: Facilitates buying/selling of Ethereum and rollup blockspace, offering various trading products
Sequencing Module: Supports decentralized and shared sequencing, maximizing the value of purchased blockspace
Decentralized Sequencing: Enables sustainable blockspace revenue generation by mitigating financial risks to buyers
Shared Sequencing: Maximizes the revenue for buyers by combining Ethereum and rollups blocks
Coordination Layer: Manages agreements between blockspace buyers and sellers
Blockspace Transaction management
Risk management
Payment processing
Record keeping
Development Roadmap
Sequencing Module
Coordination Layer (Mainnet alpha will be launched in Q1 2025)